Artisan cheese sustainably handcrafted on the Dorrigo plateau.

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Traditional cheese making has been hurt by the post war industrialization of the dairy industry. We aim to make cheese similar to an earlier time, focusing on quality, flavour and terroir, instead of shelf life and mass production.

Our aim is to create exceptional artisan cheese products that highlight the flavours of the Dorrigo plateau terroir, in Gumbaynggir Country, using the highest quality ingredients.

All of the cheese will be hand made in small batches using traditional methods with patience and love. The cheese range will include Camembert style cheeses, creamy slow set white mould cheeses and delicious washed rinds, similar to the ones you would find in France and Germany.

Once the cheese production has started, you can buy our soft cheeses at local markets from Armidale, Dorrigo, Bellingen down to the coast at Coffs Harbour, at selected retail shops and online. Products will be shipped with sustainable packaging Australia wide.

Handmade in the heart of NSW dairy country

Dorrigo is located in-between the Mid North Coast and the New England Plateau, in the heart of NSW’s dairy country. This beautiful mountain area has some of the best rainfall in Australia, combined with fantastic red soil from the old Ebor Volcano — the perfect spot to make cheese.

Our commitment to sustainability

We are committed to sustainability, from production and energy use to packaging and shipping. We have partnered with Carbon Neutral to offset any emissions caused by the operation and cows on the dairy farm to create a positive change to ensure the world is in a better position for future generations.

We source milk from our neighbours’ herd of mostly Jersey cows with a few Ayrshires and Holsteins, producing a fantastic, sweet, creamy and complex milk perfect for soft cheeses.

With plenty of lush pasture and space for the herd, the milk’s flavour profile will create regional specific, unique cheese made from exceptional milk.

Milk pricing transparency

We believe in fair pay for our Aussie farmers. That’s why we pay $1 per litre farmgate price compared to the typical NSW price of $0.62 per litre (2019-2020). Since deregulation in 2000, all prices within the industry are set by market forces. So much of Australia’s milk is owned by large international corporations that places profit before farmers. Supporting local farmers is essential for the community and to ensure future food security.

Meet Tim & Jess,
cheese lovers and
founders of Wellstein Cheese Co.

Tim has a thorough knowledge of microbiology, and knows the ins and outs of the science behind cheese making. Jess likes the practical parts of turning milk into the beautiful and complex form of cheese.

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Both of them connected over a shared love for traditional food and have explored artisan cheeseries in Europe to get a better understanding of traditional cheese making practises and what makes a good cheese. After working professionally in the cheese business in Germany and Australia and an excessive cheese tasting journey through Europe, they have decided it was time to go all in and start their own sustainable artisan cheese company in the Dorrigo Mountains.

Tim and Jess are passionate about local produce, happy cows and traditional cheese making with regional flavours and want to bring amazing, unique and well made cheese into Dorrigo and your home.


Find us at regional markets near you

While the cheese making facility is being built, you can find us at regional markets from Armidale down to Coffs Harbour selling French Raclette cheese melted onto delicious local Dorrigo potatoes.

Bellingen Community MarketsSaturday 15th of January

Taste the regional flavours of the Dorrigo Plateau by supporting us on
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